hai3.lately my post byk berunsurkan kawan2 high school aku kan.
well yeah i missed them a lot.more than you could ever imagine.
well,the girl above is SALSABILA BT. CHE IBRAHIM.
yeah my favorite3 friend.
sbb aku rasa dia is one of the person dlm life aku.
yg sangat2 strong.u know KUAT.
apa cerita dia.?biarlah kami2 saja yang tahu.
and well as i've told in my previous post.
"actually aku mmg rasa sebak gila if ada org kt dunia ini rindu aku"
and she another girl that told me so
and well.aku betul2 bergenang air
mata dia ckp cmtu..
sbb dh la smlm aku agak rindu kt my akravatore.
then bila dia ckp cmtuh.rase sedih ouh.
and bella please keep strong as how you always do.
and I LOVE YOU & every single of our AKRAVATORE :)
ps:ade kekesalan di situ.to be truth??bila pk2 balik wujud ke ayat tuh.TO BE TRUE lah derr.malunya.:'(
much love from #14
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