okay i'm really3 stress now.
arghhh.how i wish i have someone to turn to.
cepat lahh habis period.nak bc solat nak bc AlQuran.
i become more lost into the world that I myself make it.
i really need this now.
and i mean NOW and FOREVER!!
life is getting harder and harder for me.

(hye cutie tablets come to mama plzz)
td buat report.
bengang sbb refer to internet pon cm cibai.je.
last2 baring atas katil.tidooo.zzzzz.
yaAllah bertapalahh aku berharap supaya i didn't go through all of these feeling
berharap aku boleh menjadi genius atau rasa diri ini
genius pun boleh..sob3.
tringin nak balik ke zaman skolah rendah dulu.
everything seems really easy for me.
study,family,friendship and also life.
terasa x de beban yg ikut setiap hari.
yaAllah i really need strength from you.
i need it.
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