exam communication skill yg sepatutnya 1 hour and half aku jwb dlm masa 7 minit je.tp 30 minit kemudian lect dh kutip kertas jwpan(mungkin sbb semua org dh nak keluar) lgpun, kt kelas lecturer bg tahu soalan apa yg masuk(*sebijik) dan jwb punn in point form.aku rasa soalan tuh bdk darjah satu boleh jwb.mmg serius senang.Alhamdulillah...i wish all core papers like that in the final soon.biochemistry-microbiology-pharmaceutical inorganic chemisty-comp&statistic :).hmm.smlm borak2 ng dorg terfikir..life ni makin hari makin hard.
apa2 pun hopefully after this when people ask me "HOW's LIFE?"
i can answer back....................

LIFE IS AWESOME!i wish i could
apa2 pun hopefully after this when people ask me "HOW's LIFE?"
i can answer back....................

LIFE IS AWESOME!i wish i could
bye world.
all upcoming and previous pics credicted to google & tumblr
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