Saturday, May 16, 2020

...and all I want to say.

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I was okay before, but I know I'm going to cry as I write along this post...
Yesterday I had a dream. About Wadiah.
After accident she was on a stretcher, Unconscious.
Came one specialist there, and while their try to help her...
She's awake.....but in pain. But still she's awake.
I told her to keep on being strong, while awaiting mak and other family members.

Then I woke up in the middle of the night around 2 am and sobbing...alone.
One think that came across my mind.
Jahatnya mimpi ni..
But because of it, I managed to do solat tahajjud, solat taubat dan solat hajat.
At least in this Ramadhan I managed to do it because of the dream.

Help me ya Allah to go through to this journey.
Help me to be strong as you always did before.
Please let me be home Batu Pahat with Emak and my siblings for good this year.
And please take my life and my family only with husnul khatimah.
Amin allahuma amin.

16 May 2020
23 Ramadhan 1441H
Tamam Serene Tawau.


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