Booooo.Halloo people.
Well hey..Salam. It had been a long time right. ?Nak kata busy gila tak lahh. Senang cerita malas sebab tu tak ter'update' blog ni. So I do some changes in this blog. Well time flew very fast,tiba2 je dah nak mid term next week. To be true this sem tak heavy sangat mcm Year1Sem2 dulu. Alhamdulillah everything goes well and hope it'll be always well towards the end. Banyak sangat cerita yang terjadi. Nak semua cerita kat sini memang tak lahh. So let me highlight what are some important things happened.
Abah dah pencen.weheee. This should be the highlight story of the year. Almost 30 years Abah worked there..Kampung Padang Lebar. And now we'll leaving that place. Memorable place. Mula-mula tak rasa sangat lah nak pindah tu. Sebab aku pun dari form one dah start jauh dari rumah. And I thought it'll be easy for me to leave. But on the day Abah dah pencen all the memories haunted back. I know if it is hard for me it'll be harder for Abah to leave. Macam-macam lah fikir time too. And above all memories, aku paling teringat2 waktu ktorg pergi Bahau (on that time that place so called like heaven to us.haha). Teringat pergi Upwell,Kimma, etc. excited gila.And now that place will be so missed. Even dah lama company2 tu bankrupt and tutup tapi on the day Abah pencen those places are well remembered :(. Sekarang kat Batu Pahat even ada Carrefour,Summit BP Mall tapi the feeling we went to Upwell will never be the same. I'll keep those feeling in my heart. Apart from that,kenangan BCA 108..that was more memorable. Tanpa dia ktrong tak mampu nak pergi Bahau. haha. Jangan main2 that BCA 108 tulahh yang hantar aku ke Cyberjaya. Thanks BCA 108,you help us a lot. Thank You is not enough to say how much we appreciated you *even kadang2 malu juga naik kereta tu*. But somehow no matter how much we tried to tie our mind with "Hargailahh apa yang ada sekarang,nanti bila dah tak ada baru nk menyesal" But still we neglected all of those things.And I'm that kind of people. But past days should never be regretted. Huhu. Sayonara Precious Memories. You will always remain in our heart :')
The next thing is exam.I don't have much to say because I'm still working on it. Aja2!! I don't want to disappoint others. InsyaAllah. Right now i'm facing syndrome bosan yaa amaat. rasa mcm nak ketuk2 benda nak hempas2 benda supaya ringan sikit.
( boleh tak macam ni? )
But bila ada rasa2 mcm ni mesti teringat dekat mak. Aku cerita jugak kat mak now bored my life is..then she said,"Mak faham tapi mak tak boleh nak buat apa2.Jannah sabarlah.Setiap kali rasa bosan cuba jannah fikirkan masa depan.Semua ni untuk masa depan. Dan mintak tolong dekat Allah," And yes her magical words enlighten me..even it's not completely vanish all my bored-feeling. Tapi at least I have something to hold to. And a reason to keep me strong.Always. This is the answer for whom that asked me "Gen kau tak boring ke duduk sini." Well I have my own antibodies and now I'm immune to it.
(though we'll never know what happens in the future but there is still hope that keep us believe)
I currently love this picture. *sampai terus buat background kat desktop.* It's so calm and comfort. I know it's just a ordinary photo. But I love it..very much indeed.:)
( Cantik kan?)
And last but not least there something happen to me. This is not new thing tapi entah lahh....
HAHAHAHA to me..;p
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